Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Finally have my book...a hard copy! I am really excited about it...so much hard work and thought put into the making of it...it's nice to have the final piece. Of course there are things that I could have...and possibly should have...done differently, but all in all I am pleased with the outcome. I can't wait to take more photos and print another book.
Myriam Santos
this artist is amazing. she does some incredible work. mainly concentrating on musicians. some really big artists. she actually a book, much like the ones we did in this class, although, hers on a much bigger scale, David Bowie.
this artist is amazing. she does some incredible work. mainly concentrating on musicians. some really big artists. she actually a book, much like the ones we did in this class, although, hers on a much bigger scale, David Bowie.
The Collection Art Show
April 11, 2008 at the Ivy hotel in downtown. It was an amazing night, and great to see local artists, getting "out there". It is terrifying to begin to put your artwork in the "real world", well atleast in my head, and that might be just in my head, and something I might need to get over myself, but it does take some courage. It was wonderful to see some fellow collegues showing their stuff. I'm sure there was a ton of effort put into organizing the show, and it paid off. The art was amazing, as well as the atmosphere. A fun, young, beautiful night spent enjoying art.
Last weekend, not this past one, but the one before, on April 20...I went to the Earth Fair in Balboa Park. To say the least, it was not at all what I had expected. I knew there were going to be booths set up, as a fair usually is. But, what was surprising to me was that it was more like an information fair, with small areas where there were different types of music playing. The Fair was huge, and covered all of Balboa Park, which is I don't know how many miles. By the end of the day, I can't say I learned too much. There were a few gnarly abortion pictures, which I found to be completely offensive. I mean, the majority of people there were families. If not the majority, there were a ton of families with little children and the posters huge, displaying these horrific images. Some may argue that those pictures are necessary, which is entirely what the Fair seemed to be. One huge discussion. Which I guess, at this point in time, with all these things happening, and the promotion of awareness, blood will begin to boil, and people will begin to discuss. All in all, it was amazing to walk around Balboa Park and take in, not only all the Earth Fair, but the Park itself. I love that Park. There is such character and such history in the buildings. All in all it was a wonderful day, and my feet hurt.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Micheal Tnasuttinmonkol
Native Southern Californian artist, just doing what he loves best. His website exhibits many photographs and interests which have guided him throughout his career in advertising and his life. I really enjoy his photographs because his subject matter is pretty much all over. Well, not really, that might be extreme, but he is interested in landscapes, portratis, still, and action shots. Over this semester, and taking pics for my book, I became really interested in still vs. action shots. And that is what my book is made up of. His definition of things just seem to difer from most people, which I find intriguing. His landscapes, are not what you would think of a traditional "landscape", where, I, picture a beautiful hillside or something of that matter. No, not at all what his idea of a landscape is. Check out his website, he has some pretty cool photographs.
he also has a blog
christa renee
beautiful portraits. her photos are so crisp and clean. happy. clear and precise. she uses sunlight as a spot, as shine, in a lot of her photographs. A lot of her works can be seen in the advertising idustry. that is how I came across her website. I was looking into the advertising industry and came across a photo she had done in a pacsun ad. I enjoy looking at her photos. she is an incredible photographer.
beautiful portraits. her photos are so crisp and clean. happy. clear and precise. she uses sunlight as a spot, as shine, in a lot of her photographs. A lot of her works can be seen in the advertising idustry. that is how I came across her website. I was looking into the advertising industry and came across a photo she had done in a pacsun ad. I enjoy looking at her photos. she is an incredible photographer.
March 25th

A great night of family, friends, and music, what more do you need? We headed over to be witness of my brother and his art. My brother has always been into hiphop, as long as I can remember, and to be able to see him get up on stage and perform his music is awesome. I have respect to all of these guys who get up and do a few songs to no more than 20 people. The best part...they wouldn't have it any other way. I mean, I'm sure they would love to be making money off of what they love doing, who wouldn't? but to be able to show or perform your art is a blessing of itself. Minus that little tanget I went off on...the show was amazing and he plays quite frequently around san diego, and his most recent upcoming is at the EARTH FAIR this weekend in Balboa Park, I can't wait to be there.
at a stand still
its been weeks since progress has taken place. things put off to make time for "more importants" when actually those "more importants" aren't important in life, at this current time. priorities are all mixed up. my mind changes so much and i change my mind so much, i don't know what to think, or how to keep up. finally a toll has been taken, and taking charge is the new ordance of things. "things" "things" "things" what does that even mean? sitting here typing nonsense to get it off my mind. funny how the mind works, wanting to fit everything into one project, just isn't working. when does it ever work? "there is a time and place for everything" not in my life. no order, no script, no plan...just how i like it. anything can happen. spontinaity. breath. time. no pace. slow pace. no place. some place. some day. too fast. itchy. everything is itchy. freedom is needed, it is overdue.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
My love for casey
i really love casey k johnston alot, its like a bowl that never ends but you wish it would but it just DOESNT! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Oliver Herring

rather than being interested in the connection anyone else has with his work, Herring is most interested in the interaction between him and his subject. by asking these young men to sip on food dye and spit in all over themselves; their face, clothes, etc., he is asking them to trust him. to step outside of their boundaries and trust that what he is doing, and what they are doing, is the right thing. It is a very odd request to photograph someone after they have spit food dye out of their mouth, but this is his medium. this is his way of painting. his way of bringing color and life into his works. Everyone has their own interests and points of views, for Herring, his interests are color and vulnerability, the kind of vulnerability one looks for in relationships, that personal connection everyone thrives for in another person.
Abedini Reza & Saed Meshki

While Saed Meshki distorts a lot of his images, dirtying them up and playing with borders; Abedini Reza uses a lot of negative space. The main focus on Abedini's work is not on the image exactly, but seems to be more about the text and typography, and the way he can incorporate these texts into the simple images that he has. I like his use of negative space because it makes me look at the work in a different way. Normally when you look through a book, you don't really pay attention to the detail each letter is made with, or the way in which the letter work together to form a word. Here Abedini is making a point, not necessarily looking at the word, but at the letters themselves. I really love the way Saed Meshki takes the idea of certain images, such as a portrait, and distorts the image and the idea so it is seen in a totally and completely different way.
Arturo Herrera
gives a different life to images. mainly working with abstract photographs of his drawings or paintings, Herrera leaves the bulk of his work up to chance. after taking these photographs he places the film in water, and leaves it up to the water and the film to decide how the photograph is going to turn out. by incorporating all of these abstractions into one piece, he is leaving the meaning and experience up to the viewer, the most important aspect of art. His idea of chance and the emphasis of process over product reminded me of the early artists from the 60s, where they rebelled against the ideas of traditional art and brought a new art form upon themselves. I hope I can incorporate some of these abstract ideas into what I want to do.
Tom Scott
I don't know how many times I have gone to the beach and just sat on the shoreline, and watched the water move into different shapes, and dismissed it as nothing more than abstract shapes. Tom Scott sees these shapes as more than just abstraction. He interprets them into what he believes the sand becomes, once the water has taken its course with it. By capturing these instances, Scott is taking something as common as sand and water and turning it into evidence of art. Evidence that the earth itself creates these images. What I really enjoy about each of these photographs is that they can be more than just what he interprets, they can be anything to anybody with an imagination.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
instant of grace
When thinking about being able to design and write my own book, i was really excited, but overwhelmed with so many different ideas in my head. the first idea to came up, right away was to create a book about my family. family is one of the most important things to me in my life and earlier in last year, a dear family member was diagnosed with alzheimers disease, it was at this time that i thought about how important memory really is. when you think about how quickly time moves and how many things that have happened to you will at some point slip from your memory. i wanted to do something for my grandparents, so why not give them a book. a book that can be passed down throughout generations. and then i thought, well i have two sides of my family; dad's side and mom's side. so do i have to make two books? well no, what if i combine the books into one. See here is where i came at a crossroads, these two different sides of the family are both a major part in my life, so why doesn't the book just be about me. And what about all the other important people in my life? my friends, who at this point in my life, i consider family. So this book will be a book about me and my family, the most important aspect of my life.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Humanism is obsolete. Humor is release.

Stefan Sagmeister's use of typography isn't limited to paper. Going beyond conventional views of what typography is and should be, he turns his works into installations. Bending and breaking the rules almost to a point of unacceptability, his work is a little hard to look at, but so shocking and different, that its hard to look away. Answering only to his views, his work reflects his feeling s and thoughts of what text really is.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
d. carson

there is a fine line between power and boredom. something that can be written legibly may not be a great form of communication. if there is no exploration, no chance taking, life becomes boring. it becomes the same ol' routine over and over again. colors become dull and life becomes lifeless. David Carson is a risk taker. he bends and breaks the rules, till they are of his liking. he is a true person, just communicating his ideas and feelings through his art, his typeface. i feel like these words i am to write about him aren't worth writing because they don't express and communicate him as a person. they are boring.
schoole daze
as i wake up to the hard sound of a fist knocking on my bedroom door, i realize there must be something wrong. what time is it? 8 oclock...i'm late. put a few things together and run out the door. jump into my car and drive at the speed of light, to school, in hopes that i won't be late for my first class....again. arrive on campus ten minutes early for class...surprisingly. made it for class just in time, if it wasn't for the stairs, i would have been early. but none the less, i made it and that's that. so now, 616 and i'm sitting in another class. 9 to about 830...that's my day. and will be the outline of my days for the next three months. but, that's life, right?
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