Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Abedini Reza & Saed Meshki

Abedini Reza
While Saed Meshki distorts a lot of his images, dirtying them up and playing with borders; Abedini Reza uses a lot of negative space. The main focus on Abedini's work is not on the image exactly, but seems to be more about the text and typography, and the way he can incorporate these texts into the simple images that he has. I like his use of negative space because it makes me look at the work in a different way. Normally when you look through a book, you don't really pay attention to the detail each letter is made with, or the way in which the letter work together to form a word. Here Abedini is making a point, not necessarily looking at the word, but at the letters themselves. I really love the way Saed Meshki takes the idea of certain images, such as a portrait, and distorts the image and the idea so it is seen in a totally and completely different way.

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