Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Humanism is obsolete. Humor is release.

Stefan Sagmeister's use of typography isn't limited to paper. Going beyond conventional views of what typography is and should be, he turns his works into installations. Bending and breaking the rules almost to a point of unacceptability, his work is a little hard to look at, but so shocking and different, that its hard to look away. Answering only to his views, his work reflects his feeling s and thoughts of what text really is.

1st book page made


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

d. carson

there is a fine line between power and boredom. something that can be written legibly may not be a great form of communication. if there is no exploration, no chance taking, life becomes boring. it becomes the same ol' routine over and over again. colors become dull and life becomes lifeless. David Carson is a risk taker. he bends and breaks the rules, till they are of his liking. he is a true person, just communicating his ideas and feelings through his art, his typeface. i feel like these words i am to write about him aren't worth writing because they don't express and communicate him as a person. they are boring.

schoole daze

as i wake up to the hard sound of a fist knocking on my bedroom door, i realize there must be something wrong. what time is it? 8 oclock...i'm late. put a few things together and run out the door. jump into my car and drive at the speed of light, to school, in hopes that i won't be late for my first class....again. arrive on campus ten minutes early for class...surprisingly. made it for class just in time, if it wasn't for the stairs, i would have been early. but none the less, i made it and that's that. so now, 616 and i'm sitting in another class. 9 to about 830...that's my day. and will be the outline of my days for the next three months. but, that's life, right?