Tuesday, April 15, 2008

March 25th

A great night of family, friends, and music, what more do you need? We headed over to be witness of my brother and his art. My brother has always been into hiphop, as long as I can remember, and to be able to see him get up on stage and perform his music is awesome. I have respect to all of these guys who get up and do a few songs to no more than 20 people. The best part...they wouldn't have it any other way. I mean, I'm sure they would love to be making money off of what they love doing, who wouldn't? but to be able to show or perform your art is a blessing of itself. Minus that little tanget I went off on...the show was amazing and he plays quite frequently around san diego, and his most recent upcoming is at the EARTH FAIR this weekend in Balboa Park, I can't wait to be there.

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